Here’s The Thing (update)

I’m lax in posting because I’m working on a way to make The Road Southern a podcast. Interviews are my aim. Specifically, interviews with Southern transplants here in NYC. I’m looking to chat with anyone, not just musicians, which this blog has largely been focused on, about why they left the South. I’d like to hear what they miss/love about it, what they do not miss about it. How do they feel here in this the yankiest of cities? Nah mean?

This takes money & time. This may read like I’m about to ask for donations. I’m not. Not yet, anyway. Maybe if I ever stumble into NPR quality sessions. Let’s face it, my last post was me playing a video game. Which, sure, have another helping of that below. I talk Texas Hold’em in it. Anyway, I should have me some bare bones audio recording equipment around the New Year, & I will be interviewing plenty of musicians & artists, but also some regular Southern folk that have made their way to NYC. I hope you look forward to it as much as I am.


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Sick Day. So, Vidjagames!

Here’s a thing. Since I’ve been sick I haven’t been out & about to see anybody play or do anything. It’s just a stomach bug, so no need for worry there. However, I have been able to sit at home & play video games. Namely, Red Dead Redemption 2. That’s southern/country enough to post. So, here’s me playing a mission in Rockstar Games’ new release Red Dead Redemption 2. Enjoy. Or don’t. Too sick to care, really. And, yes, my Xbox gamer tag is J-Thrill.