So Long, Farewell, Goodbye Blue Monday

GBMOn November 30th one of TRS’s favorite venues, Goodbye Blue Monday, will be shut down for good. This is sad news, friends. GBM was a truly eclectic bar/venue in a city overstuffed with faux eclectic. As I have written before, it was the first spot I became a regular at when I moved to Bushwick. Back then I was mostly showing up for comedy, even dreamed of doing my first stand-up set there (Due to laziness it would happen that my first stand-up was at an artsy joint in Park Slope called Two Moon Café—now gone.). I used to write there during the day. It was there I dreamed and worked toward becoming a real writer as I’d spend all my other free time looking for any kind of work. The beer and the food were cheap, and it always felt like some-damn-where worth being.

GBM3It was more than an old school Brooklyn joint. It was the kind of place where freaks from all over these United States could come and feel at home. But, alas, the rent is too damn high.

I did a lot of good editing and writing there. Laughed a lot there. Heard some shitty music there. Heard some great music there. Heard some of the greatest shitty music there! No one will see it, and only too few of us will know it, but the beacon light that is Brooklyn and NYC shines a little dimmer.

So it goes.

matt 3


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