Vox Jody

I’ve been thinking about the upcoming Mary-Elaine Jenkins interview & how this is going to be the first time my actual voice is heard, & it’s got me weirded out. I’m not shy, though I think plenty of people would assume that about me, so, it’s not that. I think it’s because I’m best, as in the best me, is represented in text. Because, I have edits & rewrites & I’m as comfortable on a keyboard as a, what? Pig in slop? Bug in a rug? Point is, writing me good at.

In conversation I’m a goofball, though. Not that I’m not going to let MEJ speak her mind & bless us with her formidable mind. It’s just that you’re probably going to be wondering why the intelligent & talented singer/songwriter (Mary-Elaine) is in conversation with mealy mouthed fool (Jodykins!). You’re going to be all, “Did Jody haphazardly save her life despite his dim wits & utter lack of grace, & now she owes him some sort of life debt?”

But, like most fears of ways things will go, I’m sure it’ll play out in real life fine just fine. At any rate, it’ll be more of MEJ’s voice in the world & that ain’t no bad thing.

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